The Eviction Moratorium: Will small business owners be protected?
New York state’s moratorium has now reached its final hours —slating to end on January 15, 2022, spelling possible evictions and a backlogged judicial system for residential tenants and commercial tenants. What questions do our small business owners have in regards to this ending of the moratorium?
What does that mean for small business owners struggling to pay for rent and maintain their business or those who may have back rent?
What are law makers and legal advocates doing to address the plight faced by small business owners who need their storefronts, who lack the resources: funds, information, expertise and human talent needed to grow and thrive?
If you know a small business owner with such questions or concerns about the moratorium, ACE will be having a legal clinic with live lawyers to address the moratorium. Send your small business owners our information, and ask them to contact us directly. Or feel free to send us there information and refer them to the clinic.
We are here to protect small business owners and we need your help to reach them!